
The Magazine Pile: Interior Design

I have a big old pile of magazine next to my sofa that I somehow think I read. I have a very similar pile next to my bed. Every once in awhile, usually when it's bright and sunny out and I start to see where the dust is piling up in my house, I feel the need to clean house. Somewhere in the process when the vacuum is out in the middle of the rug, the paper towels are scattered all over, and I'm half way under the sofa retrieving my daughter's toys, I come to THE pile.

I have high hopes of being Wonder Woman one day and only needing to sleep an hour a night so I have time to do everything I want to in a day. But until that day comes I need to start to cut down on the number of different magazines I subscribe to. One that I really love is Interior Design magazine.

It is not a decorating magazine like House Beautiful or Elle Decor. It has more of an architectural view of  interior design, mixing commercial and residential projects, which is what I love about it.

You can learn about new green products:
or products that have been out for awhile but are still very cool:


The magazine also features residential projects from around the globe (this house is in Croatia) for some truly inspirational (a.k.a out of budget) spaces:

and new restaurants with amazing interiors:

Bar Agricola in San Fransisco

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